
Our newest rental space, The Auditorium, offers private meeting space in the Main Conservatory Complex. Its convenient location is just inside the main entrance, which minimizes walking and hauling distances. Rental of the Auditorium allows you complimentary access to projection equipment and screens, two dry-erase blackboards, and a convenient counter space in the back that is 18 feet long x 25 inches deep.

To take a virtual tour of the auditorium, click here. 

  Square Feet Dimensions Capacity Rate Availability
Auditorium 1296 36x36 36-100 $100 per hour 4:30 - 11:00 p.m.

The Auditorium comes in a neutral setting that works well for many different functions. 

Set-up Seats up to Additional Fees
Standard  36 No additional fee
Classroom 40 $50
Theater 100 $50
Custom based on set-up $50-$250
Reiman Gardens Auditorium Front to Back 2024

Included with your rental

Items available upon request

  • Standard Set-up which seats 36 people
  • Podium
  • Wireless internet

Let your rental coordinator know if you will need any of these complimentary add-on items.

  • Access to Screen and Projector (via HDMI connection). Client must provide laptop/device ($0)
  • Access to a maximum of 2 wireless microphones (handheld or lapel) ($0) 
  • Dry Erase Board ($0)

Ready to book?