classroom rental with rows of tables and chairs


This beautiful room is situated in the Mahlstede Building and features inspiring views of the outdoor Gardens inside a beautiful cedar and limestone prairie-style building.

To view a virtual tour of the classroom, click here. 

  Square Feet Dimensions Capacity Rate Availability
Classroom 720 30' x 24' 36-50 $80 per hour 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.

The Classroom comes in a neutral setting that works well for many different functions.

Set-up Seats up to Additional Fees
Standard 36 No additional fee
Classroom 32 $50
Theater 50 $50
Custom based on set-up $50 - $250
classroom rental setup

Included with your rental

Items available upon request

Items available for additional costs

  • Standard set-up which seats 36 people
  • Wireless internet

Let your rental coordinator know if you will need any of these complimentary add-on items.

  • podium
  • dry erase board
  • Alternate room set-up (see above)
  • Projector Rental – ($50) Rental includes access to projector and projector stand, screen, extension cord, and HDMI cable cord. Client must provide laptop/device.

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