2024 Exhibit: Garden Playhouses

Round playhouse in the woods

June 1 - September 30

Reiman Gardens invites you to explore the summer playhouses exhibit, a collection of whimsical and creative structures designed by local and national artists and architects. Each playhouse is inspired by a different theme, such as fairy tales, nature, or space, and offers a unique and interactive experience for visitors. You can play in these imaginative playhouses or simply admire the craftsmanship and creativity behind them. The summer playhouses exhibit is a perfect way to spark your imagination and enjoy the outdoors with your family and friends. Click the playhouses below for additional photos. Most of these are available for purchase at the conclusion of the exhibit. If you are interested in purchasing one of these playhouses, email reimangardens@iastate.edu.

Featured playhouses and artists

Garden Playhouse Map

Garden Playhouses map