Garden Room

Located in the Main Conservatory Complex, the large Garden Room offers floor-to-ceiling views of the adjacent tropical Conservatory and outdoor Gardens. Rental of the Garden Room allows you complimentary access to video and computer projection equipment and screens. View a virtual tour of this space here. 

  Square Feet Dimensions Capacity Rate Availability
Garden Room 2,400  80' x 30' 104-250 $175 per hour 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.

Add-on options available with concurrent rental of the Garden Room

  Square Feet Dimensions Capacity Rate Availability
Main Events Hallway for food and beverage set-up N/A N/A N/A $200/day 4:30 - 11:00 p.m.
Main Events Hallway for overflow seating N/A N/A N/A $500/day
Rust Events Plaza 2,850 N/A N/A $100/hour

The Garden Room comes in a neutral setting that works well for many different functions. 

Set-up Seats up to Additional Fees
Standard 104 No additional fee
Crescent Rounds 78 No additional fee
Maximized Dinner/Luncheon Seating 136 $50
Theater Seating 250 $100
Custom based on set-up $50 - $250
Garden Room standard set-up for rentals.



Included with your rental

Items available upon request

  • Standard set-up which seats 104 people
  • Podium
  • Wireless internet

Let your rental coordinator know if you will need any of these complimentary add-on items.

  • Access to Screen and Projector (via wireless connection). Client must provide laptop/device ($0) 
  • Access to a maximum of 2 wireless microphones (handheld or lapel) ($0)
  • Dry Erase Board ($0)

Ready to book?